Fraxel refers to a noninvasive therapy that uses laser to repair pores and acne scars.  This type of therapy makes use of a technology known as fractional resurfacing, where just a small portion of the skin is subjected to laser light. The treatment therefore delivers numerous minute laser spots, while at the same time preserving unaffected areas of healthy skin.

Fraxel laser treatments can therefore be performed with minimal conditions as it only requires topical anesthesia. Upon thorough cleansing of the skin, a blue tint is applied and then followed by anesthetic ointment. The purpose of the blue tint is to darken the small folds on the surface of the skin to increase contrast. This enables the hand piece robotic machine to precisely map the treatment area contours as it glides on the skin to effect treatment. The anesthetic and blue tints are then washed off immediately upon completion of treatment.

Fraxel Laser Sydney